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About broadband infrastructure

Studies have shown that the availability of broadband access in rural areas is associated with a range of positive outcomes, including increased job and population growth, higher rates of new business formation and home values, and lower unemployment rates. These findings suggest that investing in broadband infrastructure in rural areas can have significant economic benefits.

Northern Lights

Building Communities

Access to broadband and its usage have a significant impact on various aspects of our lives. Research has shown that areas with higher broadband access and usage experience increased property values, job and population growth, and new business formation rates. Moreover, broadband has a positive impact on health and social outcomes. It is evident that investing in broadband infrastructure is crucial for the growth and development of communities


Access to broadband has become a crucial resource for both rural and urban areas. Studies have shown that it is linked to better business performance, farm profits, and enhanced opportunities for rural entrepreneurship. Additionally, it is linked to higher home values and higher educational outcomes at both the grade school and high school. Therefore, it is important to ensure that everyone has access to this essential resource.

Communication Tower

Connecting Communities and Building Infrastructure

To ensure success in community strategies for broadband, it's important to consider affordability and adoption in addition to infrastructure. While infrastructure is crucial, it's equally important to make sure that new infrastructure is available at an affordable price to those who want the service. This means that programs focused on cost and education are necessary to spur demand throughout the United States.
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